


The AGI Society has two types of membership:

Regular membership is open to any individual with an interest in Artificial General Intelligence.

Senior membership is restricted and comes with additional privileges, including:

  • voting for members of the AGI Society Board, as described in the AGI Society Constitution
  • membership in the AGI Network for private research discussions

Senior membership can be obtained in multiple ways, including:

  • Authoring or co-authoring a paper presented at an AGI conference, or published in the AGI journal; or serving on the Program Committee for an AGI conference.   Authors and PC members from 2012 onward will be explicitly offered Senior Membership at the time of conference registration or paper acceptance.  Authors and PC members from 2011 and earlier will be automatically given Senior Membership upon request.
  • Being invited by the Membership Committee of the Society.
  • Applying to the Membership Committee of the Society and obtaining approval
If you have any questions or just want to connect, please join the discord Channel
If You're Interested In Becoming a Member, Click The Button To FIll The FOrm And Submit

The approval emails are sending out periodically.

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